Stormont Dental Care Patient journey during Covid-19

Whenever you make your appointment screening questions will be asked on this call.

You will be asked whether you have been in contact with anybody who has been unwell or exhibited the symptoms of Covid-19 or if you have experienced any of the symptoms yourself. Please bear with us as we engage in this thorough line of questioning- it will enable us to ensure we keep our staff and patients safe. If you do have symptoms or answer positively to any if the questions, we will simply postpone your appointment for 2-3 weeks.

We would ask that you attend your appointment unaccompanied. This is to reduce the number of contacts and people in the building and encourage social distancing. We understand that on some occasions, patients need to attend with parents or carers, this is perfectly acceptable!

Please don’t be offended when we no longer shake your hand or occasionally hug to say hello! We would appreciate it if you could use your elbow/ shoulder to open any doors. Be assured we are wiping and cleaning those surfaces constantly throughout the day.

Please leave non-essential belongings at home or in the car.

We would prefer not to handle cash and ask that you use card payment when possible- ideally contactless. We can use a cotton bud to use the card machine and we wipe it down after every use.

It would be a good suggestion for patients to be hydrated and visit the bathroom prior to a dental appointment. The toilets are currently out of use due to the pandemic.


  • When you arrive, you will be asked to wait outside and ring the doorbell. When the clinician is ready we will ask you to come into the building. This is to minimize the number of people in the communal areas.

  • Patients will be asked to use a hand sanitizer when entering the building and to wear a face mask. We will also take your temperature using a contactless thermometer.

As always, we thank our wonderful and loyal patients for all your support during this time. We look forward to welcoming you back and experiencing proper hugs and contact again!

Team SDC


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